Black Ops 3 Dark Matter Camo – How to Get It, Images, and More

Move aside, Diamond…. there’s a new king in town.

It was recently discovered that Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 has a “secret” weapon skin that is unlocked once a player obtains diamond camo for every single weapon. It’s aptly named Dark Matter and, to put it simply, it looks ridiculously awesome.

Black Ops 3 Dark Matter Camo

Here’s a still capture of the camo:

Black Ops 3 Dark Matter Camo

It looks pretty slick even like that, but it gets even better.

You see.. it’s not a traditional weapon skin. It’s more than a still image. It’s actually animated. The purple and black colors more around like the liquid in one of those super-old lava lamps. It looks pretty darn nifty on a gun and really makes a statement about the dedication of the player.

Sucking at Multiplayer? Be sure to grab the Ultimate Unofficial Black Ops 3 Guide for tons of tips, tricks, strategies, and game info that’ll help you improve your K/D, win more matches, and master the game.

Here’s a look at the actual animation:

BO3 Dark Matter Camo Animated

How to Get Dark Matter Camo

So, how do you get this special camo for your guns? Well, it’s simple… kind of.

All you have to do is get the Diamond Camo on every single weapon. Of course that means grinding out all the kills, headshots, and other challenges needed to get all of the standard camos on all of your assault rifles, SMGs, shotguns, LMGs, snipers, and so on.

So, yes, it’s a bit of an undertaking, but that’s why it’s such a special weapon skin. It’s something you’ll definitely want to work toward to show off your skills and dedication to Black Ops 3.

UPDATE (11/22/15) : A recent patch has actually updated the look of the Dark Matter camo a bit to make it look a bit better.

Here’s a video from YouTuber, Ali-A, showing off the newly updated design:

  • Pingback: Black Ops 3 Dark Ops Challenges – Full List Revealed()

  • Zxxlpx

    haha “dedication”

    • John

      it really just shows people you have no life and have spent way too many hours on this game, right?

    • John

      it really just shows people you have no life and have spent way too many hours on this game, right?

  • Cybereyes

    I don’t find that campo all that special. Pardon the pun

    • Ksiyas

      Take this L.

  • James Carig

    Hey Brad, so I’m two weapons away from unlocking Dark Matter. I just have the 2 launchers to complete. I had a question occur. Do you need to unlock all camos for the new DLC weapons as well to get dark matter after the latest patch? I asked a friend and to their understanding, you only need to get diamond for the weapons before all the updates and patches. So in that case, I would only have the 2 launchrs left.

    • Michael Osborne

      No you don’t need the dlc black market weapons cams done unless you want dark matter on them then you would need to complete those

  • Pingback: Black Ops 3 Diamond Camo Guide for Assault Rifles – CoD Watch()

  • Mellow Madness


    • Osvaldo Zuniga

      No , but if you want to show you’re clan name or kill counter. For the counter you have to prestige the weapon twice for the clan name one time.

      • Mellow Madness

        Got it. this whole time i’ve been prestiging my guns twice lol.

  • Osvaldo Zuniga

    Diamond needs an update, and Gold too.

  • Mast3R3608

    So where and how to I get this camp? Black market? I’ve been unlock all the camo for Kuga except the last one diamond,it can’t be unlock cause there’s no mission to tell what to do? Someone tell me where can I get this camo ?

    • BroomyGraphics

      I take it you haven’t even read the article at all. Also I find this hard to believe that it doesn’t tell you the how to get diamond when it states how to get it when you hover over it. Smh.

      To get diamond you need to get all gold guns in whatever group you are using. So if you want diamond Kuda, you need to get gold Kuda, Weevil, VMP, Vesper, Razorback and Pharo. Now to get dark matter, you pretty much need to do this but for every gun (Except the black market guns)

    • Jonathan Michael Andrus

      To get Diamond you must get all the weapons in that class (subs, assault, etc.) Gold. To get dark matter, you have to get Diamond for all your weapons. This excludes DLC/blackmarket weapons.

  • Mast3R3608

    So where and how to I get this camp? Black market? I’ve been unlock all the camo for Kuga except the last one diamond,it can’t be unlock cause there’s no mission to tell what to do? Someone tell me where can I get this camo ?

  • Bassie Dickson

    Does dark matter go on every single gun when it’s unlocked or do you pick a gun?

    • Mc Badman

      ye every gun but uv gotta diamond them before u get dark matter, all the black market guns get dark matter aswel 🙂

    • Mc Badman

      ye every gun but uv gotta diamond them before u get dark matter, all the black market guns get dark matter aswel 🙂

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