Black Ops 3 VMP SMG Overview

The VMP is yet another one of the SMGs that players can use in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. This was a fan favorite for many players as it dealt high damage (for an SMG), has some recoil, and a high firing rate. The biggest drawback to the weapon is that it’s a little inaccurate.

Black Ops 3 VMP SMG

With the beta the VMP was both buffed and nerfed a bit. It was given an increased magazine size (now 40, it was 27 rounds), but the damaged was decreased making it slightly less effective. This SMG becomes available to players at level 34.

Because of its higher damage output this weapon used to play a lot like one of the assault rifles with the added bonus that you get more mobility. Now, it’s not quite as great, though. It’s somewhat easy to aim and the recoil is manageable for decent players. It’s a fairly great weapon, but you’ll definitely want to use a speed-reloading attachment because the high rate of fire makes it burn through ammo fast.

VMP Stats

Let’s dive right into it. Below are the official stats for the VMP SMG. These statistics will tell you exactly how big the clip is on the weapon, how much damage it can deal, and more.

Black Ops 3 Weapon Stats

Damage Output: 25-35 HP  Damage has been nerfed a bit now. Official stat coming soon.

Magazine Size: 40 rounds (56 rounds with Extended Mags equipped)

Range: Low

Fire Rate: High

Accuracy: Low

Available Attachments

As you use the VMP you’ll earn XP with it, level it up, and unlock various attachments that can be equipped to it. Below is a full list of the attachments that are available for this SMG.

Black Ops 3 Available Attachments

  • Reflex Sight
  • Grip
  • Laser Sight
  • Sniper
  • Adjustable Stock
  • FMJ
  • Extended Mag

Recommended Weapon Setup

As we mentioned above, the VMP is actually a pretty impressive submachine gun in the right hands. There is a bit of recoil, but skilled players will find that it’s easily managed. Plus, there are attachments that can assist with this as well. Below are our recommendations.

Black Ops 3 Recommended Gun Setup

Because this SMG is a bit unstable it can prove beneficial to use the Grip attachment. This will decrease the recoil a bit, making it easier to aim and handle. It is possible to manage the recoil without the assistance of this attachment, but most players will find Grip to be an invaluable tool for the VMP.

Another great attachment to use is the Extended Mag. While the VMP does have a decent size clip to start with, it also has a very high firing rate which means you’ll be burning through your ammo very quickly. To make up for this, Extended Mag provides an additional 16 rounds. This can be the difference between getting 1-2 kills per clip and getting 2-3 kills per clip.

VMP Gameplay

Don’t want to take our word when it comes to this weapon being an excellent tool in Black Ops 3’s online multiplayer? No worries, there’s video proof to back up our statements. The video below shows a player using the VMP in an actual match. Check it out to see how well the SMG performs.

Black Ops 3 Weapon Gameplay


Kuda | Razorback | Weevil | Vesper | Sten




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